Thursday, October 16, 2008

Making a Living with Massage Therapy pt1

What to Charge for Massage

As a teacher, this is one of the most frequent questions that I get asked. The answer is $75. ;)

I wish it was that simple. The truth is that there a number of factors that go into deciding both how much to charge and also in determining if a job is going to pay you enough. As I began writing this, I realized that it is too large a topic to cover in one post, so welcome to the introduction for a series on Making a Living with Massage Therapy!

In this series of posts I’ll examine some of the factors that go into setting prices and taking jobs. There are no cut-and-dried answers to these questions. As much as my students would love me to be able to just hand them a number, it is different for everybody. Each part of this series will pick apart a FAQ (frequently asked question).

I’m sure I’ll come back later and edit this list, but here are some of the questions I’ll take on in this series:

  1. Should I charge while I am in school (and how much)?
  2. Will people pay $xx?
  3. This job pays $xx (insert rate here). Is that good?

Your comments and questions will help to make this post and series more illuminating, so please, fire away!

EDIT: By the way, this does seem to be a hot-button topic, as described in this blog "Do Massage Therapists Work As Slaves?

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